It was a foggy morning after a couple of days of rain. Andy woke me up at about 6:00 am and I was sure that it is time to go into the woods for another exciting morning. Andy is a lagotto romagnolo and is well-trained as a truffle hunter dog. So today we decided to go for porcini and truffles mushrooms.
This year there was a lot of black summer truffle mostly due to the heavy rains during the spring. However, truffles are coming and going on waves and I was sure that the first wave is almost over. Thus my decision was to do a quick morning walk to a place close to our village a small woody hill where there typically is a lot of porcini and chanterelle.
Both mushrooms were among our favorites – very delicious with a strong mushroom flavor. Porcini and truffles don’t go well together in the same woods – basically, both mushrooms are doing mycorrhiza and fight each other for the same trees.
So coffee was ready, Andy jumped into the car and we got ready for our walk.
So ready set and go
It took us about 5-10 minutes to reach the hill, park, and head into the woods.
My first impression was that somebody pass through prior to us but actually, that was wrong.
There were quite a lot of porcini mushrooms almost any size from small to large.
I was hoping that Andy will find some black summer truffles but instead he has found a nice friend – hedgehog that we know from before and has been named by the kids with the name Lily:)
So Lily was not particularly happy by Andy presence.

Finally, Andy found some truffles as well and it was time to leave the woods!
Andy is tired but happy with the end result.
I also decided to give Andy the best possible present for one lagotto romagnolo – a nice bath!

With that our walk was over and it was time to go back home for another bath 😉
As usual, you may find the truffles harvested by Andy on our Etsy shop.